Jaewoo Kim (김재우)
I am a Master’s Student at KAIST School of Computing. I am interested in formally defining and proving program behavior using logic.
- Email: jaewoo.kim@kaist.ac.kr
- GitHub: Jaewookim08
- Bibliography: ORCID, DBLP, Google Scholar
- Place: Rm. 4441, Bldg. E3-1, KAIST (+82-42-350-7878)
(2026) M.S. in Computer Science. KAIST (expected).
(2024) B.S. in Computer Science. KAIST.
(PLDI 2024)
A Proof Recipe for Linearizability in Relaxed Memory Separation Logic.
Sunho Park, Jaewoo Kim, Ike Mulder, Jaehwang Jung, Janggun Lee, Robbert Krebbers, Jeehoon Kang.
ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Languages Design and Implementation.
[paper: doi, local] [artifact: Coq proofs]
(OOPSLA 2023)
Modular Verification of Safe Memory Reclamation in Concurrent Separation Logic.
Jaehwang Jung, Janggun Lee, Jaemin Choi, Jaewoo Kim, Sunho Park, Jeehoon Kang.
Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications.
[paper: doi, local] [artifact: Coq proofs]
Intern, Programming Systems Lab, Kaist, December 2021 ~ Feburary 2022
(topic: Developing Infer-based static analyzer for checking type confusion bugs) -
Client developer, Shiftup Corp, July 2021 - August 2021.